Lots of Nonsexual Touching Is the Key to a Successful Long-Term Relationship

Full disclaimer. I’m single. So I shouldn’t exactly be doling out relationship advice. Then again, maybe I should be, because I have an objective distance from the subject. Luckily, Jane E. Brody, the Personal Health columnist for The New York Times has some advice to share in an article called “That Loving Feeling Takes a Lot of Work.” Sounds like a downer, especially for lazy people who don’t like to work. But, according to Brody, the work is doable and could save many a relationship and marriage.

We have all heard that passion doesn’t last forever. As Brody puts it,

“the feelings that prompt people to forget all their troubles and fly down the street with wings on their feet — does not last very long, and cannot if lovers are ever to get anything done.”

Read more at Jezebel

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